We have a large variety of Fresh and Saltwater Fish; plattys, swordtails, mollys, angels, plexus, tetras, shiners, catfish, butterfly’s, loaches, crawfish, snails, rasboras, betas,Cory cats, gourami, silver dollars, snook, oscars, fresh water eels, rainbows, botia, rainbow sharks, channel cats, barns, convicts, cichlids, pictus cats, algae eaters, danios, pacus, glo fish, balzani, rams, blue/white lobsters, shrimp, flag fish, greeen terrors, parrots, dempsey’s, puffer fish, koi, discus, fanatics, moors, orandas, and guppies, corals, tangs, butterfly, clown, triggers and much more. Touch base with us and let us know if there is a specific breed you are interested in!